Object, Array, String: Methods

Object methods

  • removes the property of an object
  • returns bolean
  • makes copy of values from one or more source objects to a target object
  • returns target object

Array methods

Array: search, select

  • finds all elements matching query; query can be a function returning bolean
  • makes new array from the result of callback function, if negative new array is empty; does not change the original array
  • calls a function for all elements of an array
  • makes new array from the result of callback function; does not change the original array
  • finds if searched element is in an array
  • returns bolean
  • finds the first element matching query
  • returns it or undefined if not found
  • finds the first element matching query
  • returns its index or -1 if not found
  • finds if searched element is in an array
  • returns its index or -1 if not found
  • the same as indexOf but starts from the end
  • find if any element matches request
  • returns bolean
  • find if every elements match request
  • returns bolean

Array: change

  • joins the elements of an array into a string; argument is a separator
  • returns string
  • reduces values of all array elements to a single value kept in accumulator
  • reducer function
  • the same as reduce() but starts from the end
  • reverses the order of all elements of an array
  • sorts the elements of an array
  • changes the original array

Array: add, remove

  • removes the first element of an array
  • returns it
  • removes the last element of an array
  • returns it
  • adds a new element at the beginning
  • returns lenght of an array
  • adds a new element at the end of an array
  • returns lenght of an array
  • selects a part of an array specified by beginning and end of splice or all array if end is not specified
  • returns the new array
  • does not change the original array; both parameters are optional: start (from where to select), and end (index where to stop; index element is not taken), defaults are zero and the end
  • adds/removes elements from an array specified by beginning and end of splice, if beginning is negative it operates at the end of an array; end is specified by number of elements to delete, if 0 it just place new element into an array
  • returns removed elements
  • changes the original array; index (from what point to change) is obligatory, end (how many elements to delete) and elements are optional

String methods

  • finds the character at the specified index (starts with 0, -1 is the last one) in a string
  • returns it
  • joins two or more strings, those after first are passed as an arguments; does ot change them
  • returns new concatenated string
  • checks if the calling string contains a string passed as an argument; case sensitive
  • returns bolean
  • checks if the calling string ends with a string passed as an argument; case sensitive
  • returns bolean
  • finds first ocurence of a specified argument; optional second argument is an integer specifying index of place where to start searching; case sensitive
  • returns index, or -1 if not found
  • the same as indexOf(), but backwards
  • searches a string for a match against a regular expression; without g modifier (global) it finds only the first one
  • returns the matches (as substring), index, and the input, all as an Array object, or null if not found
  • finds an element at index given as an argument
  • returns a string of that element repeated number of times (this number is a second argument), or empty string if no argument or argument 0
  • finds a match between a regular expression (or a specified value) and a string; does not change the original string; without g modifier (global) it replaces only the first occurence
  • returns a new string where the specified values are replaced, or the original string if no match is found
  • searches for a match between a string or regular expression and a specified string
  • returns the index of the first character of the first match, or -1 if no match is found
  • extracts a section of a string, from the index specified in the first argument, to index specified by the second argument (i, j-1), or end of string if there's no second argument; negative numbers are extracting from the end
  • returns result, or the entire string if no arguments are passed, as a new string
  • splits a string into an array of strings by separating the string into substrings, argument is the separator; does not change the original string
  • returns an array of substrings, or the entire array of string's elements if no argument or empty argument ('') are passed
  • checks if a string begins with a string passed as an argument; case sensitive
  • returns bolean
  • extracts strings of number of characters specified in the second argument from index specified in the first argument; negative number extracts from the end of a string; does not change the original string
  • returns a substring of elements at a given range
  • extracts strings form index specified in the first argument to index specified in the second argument; does not change the original string
  • returns a substring of elements at a given range
  • does not change the original string
  • returns the calling string converted to lowercase letters
  • does not change the original string
  • returns the calling string converted to uppercase letters
  • removing whitespaces from both ends of string; does not change the original string
  • returns changed string
  • removing whitespace from the left side
  • returns changed string
  • removing whitespace from the right side
  • returns changed string

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