#JavaScript30 list

This is page with a list of an exercises I've done a #JavaScript30 which is a first part of #100daysofcode challenge


I regard this task as *finished* with some objections. Almost half need to be redo with a better CSS. In two cases there're errors, three are hard to check if OK, one needs to be redo. That makes 5 to rework, and 9 to restyle. All this will be done.

Every exercises should have explanation of technics used on its pages, list below should list them as well. This is TO-DO.


  1. JS-DrumKit (finished)
  2. CSS+JS-Clock (finished)
  3. Playing-with-CSS-Variables-and-JS (finished)
  4. Array Cardio Day 1 - instead of exercise list of few main array methods
  5. Flex-Panels-Image-Gallery (finished, some errors)
  6. Ajax Type Ahead (finished, check diferences)
  7. Array Cardio Day 2 - the same as Array Cardio Day 1
  8. Fun with HTML5 Canvas (finished)
  9. Must Know Dev Tools Tricks (presentation)
  10. Hold Shift to Check Multiple Checkboxes (finished)
  11. Custom HTML5 Video Player (finished, style to do)
  12. Key Sequence Detection (KONAMI CODE) (finished)
  13. Slide In on Scroll (finished, style to do)
  14. Object and Arrays - Reference VS Copy (presentation)
  15. LocalStorage and Event Delegation (finished, style to do)
  16. CSS Text Shadow Mouse Move Effect (finished)
  17. Sorting Band Names without articles (finished)
  18. Tally String Times with Reduce (finished, style to do)
  19. Unreal Webcam Fun (check if finished)
  20. Native Speech Recognition (not finished)
  21. Geolocation based Speedometer and Compass (check if finished)
  22. Follow Along Links (finished, syle to do)
  23. Speech Synthesis (check if finished)
  24. Sticky Nav (finished style to do)
  25. Event Capture, Propagation, Bubbling and Once (presentation)
  26. Stripe Follow Along Dropdown (finished, style to do)
  27. Click And Drag To Scroll (finished, style to do)
  28. Video Speed Controller UI (finished, style to do)
  29. Countdown Clock (finished, but with an error to correct)
  30. Whack A Mole Game (finished, style to do)